この“作品”を、より多くのお客様のご要望にお応えできる品揃えと期待を超えるサービスで提供したい、その強い思いで全国にショップを展開。現在約80店舗の直営店「タオル美術館」では、タオル美術館グループの品質の証しである“5ツ星クオリティ”のタオルを中心に、ベーシックなデザインからキャラクターブランドまで、生活のあらゆるシーンでご満足いただけるタオルをご用意しております。また、お子様からご年配の方まで幅広いお客さまに喜ばれるオリジナリティ溢れるギフトにも最適な刺繍サービスを導入する他、2017年にはギンザシックスに当社ハイエンドライン商品が揃う「タオル シンク ラボ」をオープンするなど、常に新しい提案をし続けております。
代表取締役社長 越智 康行
The Towel Museum Company began with the “Towel Museum” tourism facility created by towel manufacturer Ichihiro through a fusion of towels and art. We have since then expanded our shops nationwide where we provide our towel product “works” that have been carefully created to the highest quality standards in our group factories both in Japan and overseas.
We have expanded to over 80 stores nationwide, motivated with a desire to provide a election of “works” that can meet the diversity of our customers’ needs while also
exceeding expectations in service. All of our Towel Musuem stores are company operated and hold the “5 Star Quality” mark, our guarantee to quality that forms the core of our business.
We provide towels for all walks of life, ranging from basic designs to designs from licensed character brands, and never cease to innovate. Custom embroidery makes the perfect customeized gift for anyone from the young to the elderly, and our 2017 newly opened “Towel Think Labo” brand store located in the prestigious Ginza Six pioneers the way in towel innovation.
Our towels and service are the “works” that we pride ourlseves in, and we will continue to bring both smiles and growth to our customers and ourselves.
Yasuyuki Ochi, President